Sex and diabetes
Having sex when you’re type 1 diabetic can be hard, and not in the fun way. But with my help it doesn’t have to be.
Sex is fun. Passing out with low blood sugar mid-way through sex is not fun. Trust me, I know. There are a few top tips you can follow to ensure the only gasping you hear is the good kind, and not the kind that’s accompanied by an embarrassing trip to A&E.
Is it safe for type 1 diabetics to have sex?
Of course it is! Sheesh, if it wasn't there'd be uproar and I’d be at the front of the protest, banging on the government's door and insisting they did something about it.
Sex can be great, we just need to give it a bit more thought to stop us passing out mid-way through. Just like with any exercise, check your blood sugars before and don’t jump into it/ onto it when your levels are too low or too high. Any considerate lover won’t mind you having a snack or some insulin before you get down and dirty.
Do diabetics need to check their blood sugar before sex?
We get it, it isn’t necessarily sexy to tell the person you’re trying to seduce that you need to go and check your blood sugar first, but it’s even less sexy to risk the alternatives.
Sex burns more calories than loads of exercise, so it makes sense that it can affect your blood sugar. In the heat of the moment it might not fit to go and check it, but if you sense something is going that way we'd highly recommend it.
Can diabetes affect your sexual performance?
You bet it can, but only if your blood sugar is too high or too low. It's the same with any physical activity - you'll struggle to do it well if your sugars aren't working with you.
Having low blood sugar comes with a risk of you needing to stop halfway through, while high blood sugar can seriously tire you out and leave you struggling to produce at the vital moment.
What if diabetics start feeling faint during sex?
Even if you check your blood sugar before and it looks fine, things can soon change when you get down to it. Insulin could still be working away, or you could just burn enough sugar off by getting started. It happens, and it's nothing to be worried about. If the person you're with is a decent human being, they'll totally understand that you need to stop and have some sugar. If they don't understand that, they might not be worth sleeping with.
If you feel rough, stop, check, correct, rest, then get back to it when you feel better.
Should diabetics eat after sex?
Sex does burn through your sugar supplies, so while you're cleaning up after (you all do that, right? Don’t be gross) it's definitely worth checking your blood sugar levels again. While being f*cked into a diabetic coma might sound great, it's much worse in practice. If your levels look low, just have some sugar and put them right. You won't need anything more.
Can diabetics get pregnant?
This might sound silly, but you'll be surprised at what some people think. Diabetics can get pregnant. You still have to use protection if you don't want this to happen. Insulin does not make you immune. BUT IN A FUN TWIST OF FATE: Diabetes can impact your fertility. Badly managed blood sugar levels can mess with all kinds of systems, so you know, keep on top of them if you ever want to pop a little one out.